Ness Scott, Greencore Homes
Ness Scott
Head of Planning and Sustainability
Greencore Homes

Ness is a planning lead and net zero strategist for the construction industry with extensive experience of programme delivery, client consultancy and advisory for asset managers on decarbonisation. Across a 25-year career in the public, private and third sectors, Ness has devised and delivered planning policy as well as energy, ecology, climate-change and sustainability projects and strategy. She has worked with developers on their planning applications for new, zero carbon, mixed-use and residential developments, meeting London Plan energy policy. In the public sector, Ness has written sustainable-design policy and guidance for Westminster City Council and led the design and evidence base for the net zero carbon policy in the Salt Cross Garden Village Area Action Plan, aligning with the LETI Climate Emergency Design Guide.

Ness instigated and led the development of the joint Cotswolds, Forest of Dean and West Oxfordshire project to introduce the UK’s first free-to-access Net Zero Carbon Toolkit. This has now been adopted by multiple local authorities across the country as the ‘how-to’ guide for the delivery of net zero carbon homes.

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